Saturday, November 30, 2013

December -- Photo-A-Day

Well, you'll probably wonder why I'm doing two posts in one night, when I haven't posted for weeks... well, I just wanted to tell you all about a little adventure that I'm planning to do, and am asking any photographers out there to join me, if you care to!

For the month of December, I will be doing a Photo-A-Day.  This, in my humble opinion, is very self explanatory.  But for those of you that don't understand, here are the details.

In December, take 1 picture every day, except for Sundays.   The picture can be of whatever or whoever you want, as long as you didn't use that exact subject and composition the day before... I think you get the point.   The idea is to get out and take pictures, and find creative things to shoot.  And of course, please don't limit yourself to ONLY one picture... please take as many as you want!  I sure will...

I know this is still November 30th, but I'll start it early, because I have a picture to post.  This morning, I had the privilege of taking a family picture for my Uncle & Aunt and family.  It was a total blast taking them, editing them, and getting them finished!    Hope you enjoy!

The Family
The Lovely Couple
The Siblings!!! 
Like usual :)  I would love to hear from ALL of you... If your doing the photo-a-day... or if your not, just for the fun of commenting...(it really is a thrill :)   I'll wait to hear from you!!!  

Have a Blessed Evening!!!  -- Jordan

Travel... Cheers!!!

To all my good readers,

It has been rather a long while since something new and exciting has happened around here, but all that will change...
    Friday, Dec 6th, will find me flying West on United Airlines Flight 4851 from Harrisburg, PA to Cleveland, OH, and Flight 1275 from Cleveland, OH to Denver, CO, and then from Denver to Colorado Springs, CO on Flight 6242 for those of you that like tracking flights.

Several prayer requests:
    1)  Safety traveling.
    2)  For the Fellowship Meetings, that the Lord would do a work in the body there, and also in the lives of each of us that attend.
    3)  That I could be a blessing to all the people I come in contact with.

The goal of the trip is to...ahh, well go to Colorado!  Actually, there are Fellowship meetings at the church in Colorado next weekend. (Dec 6-8)  I'm really excited about being able to go.  I have never traveled by myself before, and so although its exciting, there is some trepidation.

On Monday, (Dec 9) I'll be going to Canon City, CO to visit my cousin Kelvin for a few days.  He is working at the New Horizons Thrift Store that is located in that town, totally can't wait to visit.

Wednesday afternoon... I'll be doing something that I have dreamed about for a LONG time, and talked about a LOT in the last year...   But, you'll not tell you now (although, some will know :) so, stay tuned, and I'll keep you posted!!!  And if you know what that is, then feel free to let me know in the comments section at the bottom of this page!

 Thanks for your prayers, they are very much appreciated!!!   --- Jordan

Friday, November 22, 2013

Blue Hat Project -- Part 1

Just wanted to give you this link to the start of Joshua's "Blue Hat Project"   Please comment, and let him (and me) know what you think!!!  

Thanks for coming by...   Jordan

Monday, November 11, 2013

of coffee, lattes, and other good things...

My delicious cup of hot chocolate with ice cream... yummm

"I'd give up chocolate, coffee, and Lattes....

....but I'm no quitter!"               


So, what would you give up???   I'd like to know... you can comment or if that isn't working, your welcome to send me an email...

Thanks for coming by!!! 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Proverbs 3:5-6
 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

I have heard these verses for years, but it was only recently that they have become very precious to me. It is amazing how the Lord brings the exact verses to us exactly when we need them.

As of the end of the year I'm going to stop working at White Horse Construction, Inc.. At the moment, I don't have any clear direction or opportunities for the future (except for the School of Christ in January). This was probably one of the most challenging decisions I have made. (I'm absolutely terrible at making decisions...)

Work was becoming less and less enjoyable, and like any normal person, I have lots of dreams, and ambitions that I would love to pursue.  Music, Photography, School, Missions etc.
     When I would think about these things, I would get all excited about being freed up from the schedule of work, and just be able to do ANYTHING I felt like doing. And then the more conservative tea party side of me said, “whoa now, that might sound like fun and all, but you realize, that your leaving the best job you ever had (howbeit, the only job I had), and if you leave then you'll probably be unemployed for forever, and end up a couch potato, sitting at home editing the same blurry pictures over and over.... well, that's not exactly what I thought, but you get the idea.

After praying about it, and seeking the counsel of my pastor (aka: Dad) I felt that that was what I needed to do. So, I put in the notice that I wanted to quit by the end of the year.
That evening was amazing!!! I had peace about it, and it just felt so right. {excited cheers} 
     Well, that lasted for about 12 hours... until I woke up the next morning, and realized what I had done... and then I got scared... like as in, aah, AFRAID.

I was afraid I had made the wrong decision, afraid I hadn't heard from God,  afraid that my friends would think i'm this lazy guy that doesn't feel like working, afraid, that when I tell all you on the blog, that I would all of a sudden get zero views a day, and no comments. But, slowly, through many, and various ways, the Lord brought back that peace that I had, and confirmed that I had done the right thing. {Praise The Lord} 
         Several verses that have really ministered to me...

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Psalms 62:1-2
Truly my soul waiteth upon God:
from him cometh my salvation.
 He only is my rock and my salvation;
 he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.

Even now, when I look at the facts, it seems like a stupid thing that I did. But I know its right, and find myself coming back to Prov 3:5 
“Trust in the Lord with All thine Heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding"  
When we don't lean on or rely on our own understanding, sometimes the Lord takes us through things that, to the world, and even our brothers and sisters, looks like a mistake... But the glorious thing is...
Proverbs 3:6 "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."
I am excited about what the Lord has in the future, and would appreciate your prayers as I make this transition. -- Jordan

PS: If you made it all the way down here... congratulations! Sorry there aren't more pictures... I'll do my best to get another picture post up soon! 
 Thanks for coming by... May God Bless You!!!