Saturday, November 30, 2013

Travel... Cheers!!!

To all my good readers,

It has been rather a long while since something new and exciting has happened around here, but all that will change...
    Friday, Dec 6th, will find me flying West on United Airlines Flight 4851 from Harrisburg, PA to Cleveland, OH, and Flight 1275 from Cleveland, OH to Denver, CO, and then from Denver to Colorado Springs, CO on Flight 6242 for those of you that like tracking flights.

Several prayer requests:
    1)  Safety traveling.
    2)  For the Fellowship Meetings, that the Lord would do a work in the body there, and also in the lives of each of us that attend.
    3)  That I could be a blessing to all the people I come in contact with.

The goal of the trip is to...ahh, well go to Colorado!  Actually, there are Fellowship meetings at the church in Colorado next weekend. (Dec 6-8)  I'm really excited about being able to go.  I have never traveled by myself before, and so although its exciting, there is some trepidation.

On Monday, (Dec 9) I'll be going to Canon City, CO to visit my cousin Kelvin for a few days.  He is working at the New Horizons Thrift Store that is located in that town, totally can't wait to visit.

Wednesday afternoon... I'll be doing something that I have dreamed about for a LONG time, and talked about a LOT in the last year...   But, you'll not tell you now (although, some will know :) so, stay tuned, and I'll keep you posted!!!  And if you know what that is, then feel free to let me know in the comments section at the bottom of this page!

 Thanks for your prayers, they are very much appreciated!!!   --- Jordan

1 comment:

  1. I'll miss you Jordan, but wish you a safe and blessed trip. As for Wednesday afternoon, I have a feeling I know where this train is headed...
